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Eterna & Chainalysis

Eterna's partnership with Chainalysis protects our operations and guarantees our compliance with the European Union's anti-money laundering legislation (AML).

Crypto Security in Real-Time

Gaurdians of Your Money

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How we employ Chainalysis

Eterna uses Chainalysis services to assure that we are abiding by all relevant EU legislation and regulations, which protects our users from undue risk, as well as illegitimate or criminal activity. More specifically, Eterna employs Chainalysis in the following ways:

Risk management

Eterna uses Chainalysis to assess the risk associated with all cryptocurrency transactions, to help us identify high-risk transactions and users, which allows us to take appropriate corrective action.

Compliance reporting

Chainalysis generates reports that help Eterna comply with EU regulatory requirements related to AML, KYT, and sanctions screening. The software also generates alerts when transactions exceed certain thresholds or when suspicious activity is detected.

AML compliance

EU regulations require Eterna to implement anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-transaction (KYT) policies to prevent fraud and illicit activity. Chainalysis verifies the legitimacy of each transaction and also monitors our exchange for suspicious activity.

Transaction monitoring

Chainalysis provides real-time monitoring of all Eterna-associated blockchain transactions, which enables us to detect suspicious activity. This helps Eterna to comply with regulatory requirements related to transaction reporting and to prevent fraud and other criminal activities.

How we employ Chainalysis

Eterna uses Chainalysis services to assure that we are abiding by all relevant EU legislation and regulations, which protects our users from undue risk, as well as illegitimate or criminal activity. More specifically, Eterna employs Chainalysis in the following ways:

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