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DEX Trading - Expectations Survey

This 2 mins survey aims to gather your thoughts on how you intend to use/trade on a Perpetual Futures DEX. Your responses will help us understand your preferences regarding DEX and work on it to provide you the best experience. Your submission will be recorded and will be eligible for Telegram Premium airdrop for 50 accounts. Thank you for participating.

    E-mail addressOptional

    Do you prefer to trade perpetual futures on a CEX or DEX?

    Would you be willing to switch to a new perpetual futures DEX if it offered at least as many perpetual pairs with equal or lower fees than your current trading platform??

    Would you be willing to switch to a new perpetual futures DEX if it offered more perpetual pairs with equal or lower fees than your current trading platform??

    Do you currently use a DEX to trade perpetual futures? If so, which DEX?

    On a monthly basis, how much are you willing to invest on spot trading?

    On a monthly basis, how much are you willing to invest on perpetual futures trading?

    If you invest in perpetual futures, what level of leverage do you most often use?

    The feature you consider most important when you select the DEX you use to trade on

    What's the size of your total cryptocurrency investment?





    Telegram Username

    Who referred you to this survey? Write their telegram username
    Leave blank if not applicable.

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